First Ghost Clovers event!

Hello Ghost Clovers,  this is Ghost Clover leader and messiah Chuck Falay. Today we had an amazing first event where we maxed and averaged 7 with amazing tactics! This is only the start Ghost Clovers! Soon we will rise to the top of the community the same way vomit rises to the top of women’s throats when they see Elm. Carry on for pictures if you please.


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Hello Ghost Clovers,  this is Ghost Clover leader and messiah Chuck Falay. Today we had an amazing first event where we maxed and averaged 7 with amazing tactics! This is only the start Ghost Clovers! Soon we will rise to the top of the community the same way vomit rises to the top of women’s throats when they see Elm. Carry on for pictures if you please.


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